Adam Smith from A-Game Consultancy and Hospitality Wellness brings us Mindset Mondays - start-of-the-week tips to improve our mindset and enhance our productivity. 

My name is Adam Smith, I’m a high-performance coach and I specialise in mastering mindset. My background is in hospitality, where I spent 14 years managing venues such as Jake’s Bar and Still Room, Mojo and several Arc Inspirations sites. I left hospitality last year with lockdown and now run A-Game Consultancy and Hospitality Wellness.  

The last 12 months have been extremely challenging for so many of us, for so many different reasons. One of our main human needs is certainty and I believe the main reason people have struggled is because this certainty has been ripped away from us. In such uncertain times, through this partnership with Class, I’ll be bringing you weekly tips and tricks to start improving your overall health and wellbeing.

Creating habits and building momentum

My first piece of advice is to build momentum each day and aim to be 1% better than yesterday. Motivation only lasts for so long but momentum lasts forever. I encourage you to start writing down some daily goals that are 100% achievable.

Only 9% of people actually write down their weekly goals and of that, only 3% actually achieve their goals. Sometimes it’s due to time restraints, laziness or simply because their goal was too ambitious in the first place.

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There’s an old saying that Elephants don’t bite but mosquitos do – it’s the small choices day to day that will determine your future. Pick one thing that you want to start implementing in your daily routine and do it repetitively until it becomes a habit. Once you’ve established this you can then start adding other small changes to your daily life and then begin to pair habits together. For example, when you're brushing your teeth, drink a pint of water after it. When you’re going on a walk, listen to a podcast or audio book.

Habit pairing is a great hack to create more time in your routine. We have all heard of ROI when it comes to business but what about in our personal lives? If you can start focusing on ROT which stands for “return on time” then you can truly start winning, not winging, the morning. 

It’s imperative you build your day on the right foundations, with that being said, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to habit creation or morning routine. You might work late nights or have young children so it’s no good me telling you to wake up at 6am to seize the day. It has to be relevant to your life but by adding small daily wins, you are much more likely to stick with it. Remember, motivation only lasts so long but momentum lasts forever.