CLASS' new Wales bars reviewer Rachel Hendry hits up Silures in Cardiff.

A contemporary cocktail bar and restaurant with a proclaimed focus on the rich cultural history of south east Wales, Silures is the latest opening amid an already strong cocktail scene in Cardiff.

The champagne and wine list is extensive and the cocktail list of Bartender’s Favourites consists of a safe, but solid, selection of classics.

It’s the specials that you want to keep an eye out for, with a Summer concoction of basil, honey, champagne, rum and Nixta – the Mexican corn liquor – a beautifully balanced highlight.

In among a moodily lit bar of dark navy and glistening gold the service is warm and attentive, but the seats are uncomfortable and the overall feel gives a sense of style prioritised over substance.

Worth seeking out for a drink or two, but a little more is needed to entice you to stay any longer. 

Score: 6/10

55 Wellfield Rd, Cardiff CF243PA